Friedenthal Financial Brochure - page 11

A fiduciary responsibility to
act in
best interest
Cutting-edge technology
to serve you better.
In addition to providing outstanding service and the very
best investment advice,
Friedenthal Financial
places an
unusual emphasis on technology.
As part of our service,
Friedenthal Financial
offers you
an intuitive, web-based portal, that is sophisticated and
user-friendly. This online portal provides 24/7 access to
your portfolio and dynamic performance reporting. It also
serves as a document vault and a secure way for interactive
communication with us.
Unlike other investment advisors, we consider client
service one of our primary obligations and implemented
this system as part of our client service delivery. You can
post messages and send documents via a secure platform
that maintains a historical record of all correspondence
and invoices, as well as quarterly reports.
With easy access to your financial statements and
customized reports, you are able to review and analyze
your portfolio to make more informed, insightful, and
timely decisions.
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